Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Post #2

After much head-scratching, blog name ideas thrown into the proverbial hat have all been abandoned save the presiding winner... My Canadian Tuxedo as de blog title du jour? Abandoned names include
1. "Yoshimi Battles the Giant Blog-Bots" (a nod to the coolest band ever, the Flaming Lips);
2. "You Know How to Emo Rock Me all Night Long,"

and my personal favourite:

3. Bloggle Rock (a nod to Fraggle Rock, the coolest puppetted show of my wonder years).

P.S.1: Incidentally, in case you're wondering Fry My Bacon sums up what a Canadian Tuxedo is best -- a really, really bad take on fashion sense north of the 49th parallel.

Peace out, homeslices. And word to your moms this Mom's Day (May 14th).

Friday, April 21, 2006

Initial post

Welcome to the inaugural post of My Canadian Tuxedo, a blog of little cultural relevance or importance.

Aiming to dissect some of my passions, I will write about whatever I fancy - including underground writing/guerrilla photography/indie films and music, as well as my pet hates (including my soon to be unveiled feature "Worst MySpace Profile of the Week", and other features to come)

In my daytime capacity as a PA at a Stupendous Canadian Broadcaster (which is it... this one? or am I throwing you off the trail from that one? It may be close to Kristapsons but I'll nev-er tell.....)

If you'd like to contact me offline, feel free. Laterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!