As it's Earth Day I have a couple of humble recommendations for anyone who happens to
stumble across this blog.
First, power down your computers. Yes, the blogosphere will survive without your eyeballs
for a few short hours.Next, slather on some sunscreen, and walk, don't run to your closest park or favourite walking trail.
Exhale all that stale air that your cubicle-bound mass has taken in for so many hours and attempt to pick up
15 pieces of refuse (the amount is important only because I used to perform this very mundane task with my 11-year-old charges when I was a day camp counsellor). Stick organics in an organic waste bin, and non-perishables in the trash or recycling bin of your choice. Repeat once a week and you've done your Good Earth Inhabitant duties for the time being.
If you can, you can also perform the following:
- Switch all home-installed lightbulbs to compact-fluorescent or LED lighting
- Purchase an Energy-STAR approved washer/dryer and washing machine (see the Government regulations' for same here and here )
- Make an effort to support increased road tolls in the 416-905 area
- Take public transit at least 2-3 times a week
- Turn it off, unplug it, and open some windows!
Some other tips for greening your home environment can be found by logging onto the David Suzuki Foundation's Nature Challenge and pledge that you will do whatever you can here. Because no person is too small, or too far removed to see that a changing climate system, while unavoidable, can be managed with lesser perils and sounder judgment than we, in the industrialized world, are making.
So, enough reading, get to it :)