Wednesday, December 06, 2006

HOLIDAY WRAP-UP: 2006 - Coming soon....

Gingerbread hearts for all of you : ))))
What mattered to most Canadians who 'live it out' online in '06? As it turns out, according to Yahoo, in terms of overall Internet searches it's quite sad really. Britney Spears, the Croc Hunter's death, the WWE and Shakira top the US Top 10 most searched items. And, aside from the Yanks, we differ in one respect. We Canucks really like... hockey?

Yes, you read that correctly. In the news of the obvious, Yahoo Canada's Buzz-o-meter says our national past-time comes out on top in the Top 10 most searched items. Let me break it down for ya. As of November 30, 2006 - this is what we were searching for the cumulative months of January to November 2006:

#10. Madonna (no surprise here, what with the Raising Malawi, and raising a little Malawian initiative)
#8. Perez Hilton (again, no surprise, as you will note your dear writer is quite addicted to the Gossip Gang-star!)
7. Angelina Jolie (no doubt for all her humanitarian efforts, and not her plushy lips to peer out from their screen wallpapers)
Happy Feet (for peeps need to know more about a animated talking penguin movie. Huh?)
5. Toronto Maple Leafs
#4. Deal or no Deal
#3. Britney Spears
#2. Michael Richards (sigh, Kramer, I'm tired of even thinking about you...)

And the #1 search term for 2006?
the NHL!

Look out for My Canadian Tuxedo's Great Canadian Holiday Wrap-Up on December 30th, where this author will take the year in review, and post some general thoughts on what's to come in '07. [Also: for a great gingerbread men recipe, check out the following from 101 cookbooks]

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