Thursday, August 24, 2006

Who are these Others? *LOST* Season 3 premieres Oct 4 @ 9/8 ET/CT

Hey hey hey, blogophiles! A quick, short, and sweet post to tell you about today. As many of you who join me in the cult fan-dom that is being a Lost viewer on ABC/CTV can attest, the season finale in May was frustrating to say the least. Among the questions that it left unanswered, were:

1) What exactly happened to the Hatch?

2) Were the contents (and the unlucky peeps stuck inside, including Locke, Desmond, and Echo) gone for good after that supernatural seeming electromagnetic blast?

3) Who are these pesky Others?

4) Are the Others actual scientists left to examine the crash-landers, or part of some major government conspiracy. There's even a wacky theory floating around ABC forums that L O S T stands for Land Of Scientific Testing (or some such nonsense)

5) What do the Others have to do with the shady Hanso Foundation?

6) What is the deal with Clare's baby - is he really some sort of Messiah-like figure?

7) Will Charlie officially kick his smack habit now that he's rediscovered the Virgin statue stash?

8) What will happen to Walt and his dad? Are they really gone from the program for good?

9) And will Walt's damned dog ever get his Kibbles n' Bits? Kidding, that's not part of the show..

10) Finally, who is this Emily What's-her-face character that is trying to locate Desmond on the ocean at the culmination of Season 2????

To better satiate your thirst, click on The Tail Section, Lost Links, or Station Zero for Season 3 promos. YouTube and Google Video will also be featuring video stuffs of our favourite conspiracy theory show.....

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